
  • Lunch on the Green 2016 - A date for your diary!

    Lunch on the Green 2016 - A date for your diary!

    We are delighted to be supporting Break Charity with our 8th Lunch on the Green event, taking place at our Norwich office (St Catherine's House, All Saints Green, Norwich NR1 3GA) on Wednesday 13th July 2016.Lunch on the Green is Clapham &a...

  • Increase to Court Fees for starting a Divorce

    Increase to Court Fees for starting a Divorce

    With one day's notice to family lawyers the Government has increased the Court fee for starting a divorce. From 21st March 2016 this is now £550.00 whereas before that it was £410.00.There is a mechanism for the Court to consider allowing e...

  • ​Attorneys and Deputies - gratuitous care payments

    ​Attorneys and Deputies - gratuitous care payments

    It's a hard life as an Attorney. Not only do you have to do all the running around for an incapacitated person, but you have to account for everything you have done, and sometimes you get criticised when you haven't done anything wrong....

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