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Welcome to the Clapham & Collinge news section, where you’ll find important company updates and insights into our legal sectors.

  • Coronavirus, Remote Working and Cyber Security
    Coronavirus, Remote Working and Cyber Security

    When the UK entered lock down on the 23 March IT departments all around the UK suddenly had entire workforces reliant on remote working solutions….

  • COVID-19, Personal Injury Claims and Limitation Periods
    COVID-19, Personal Injury Claims and Limitation Periods

    Following recent discussions between claimant solicitors firms and insurers, a protocol has been drawn up which provides that all limitation dates in personal injury cases…

  • COVID-19 and Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)
    COVID-19 and Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)

    If you are considering selling or purchasing a property, we thought it would be useful to update you on the current legal requirements relating to…

  • COVID-19 and Will Disputes
    COVID-19 and Will Disputes

    There is no doubt that we are living in unprecedented times and trying to come to terms with life in a pandemic. It has been…

  • COVID-19: How can I protect my business?
    COVID-19: How can I protect my business?

    Following the Government’s lockdown on 23 March 2020 preventing people from leaving their homes (save for a list of limited purposes) and ordering the indefinite…

  • COVID-19 and Property Transactions – What are the effects?
    COVID-19 and Property Transactions – What are the effects?

    The current pandemic is forcing the government to urgently consider all aspects of the economy and the day-to-day running of the country, in particular the…

  • Court Hearings By Video
    Court Hearings By Video

    One of the changes forced on us by the Covid-19 crisis which is likely to become a permanent change to the legal landscape is the…

  • Coronavirus and Charities
    Coronavirus and Charities

    The economic crisis arising from the Coronavirus outbreak is having far reaching effects on charities both locally and nationally. For many smaller charities in particular…

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