​Importance of a Will – what will you leave behind?

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    Clapham and Collinge

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Having a Will allows you to decide what happens to your assets on your death. Without a Will, your estate, which is everything you own such as: your property, bank accounts, pensions and personal possessions, will be distributed in accordance with the Intestacy Rules. These rules are arbitrary and take effect irrespective of whether or not you would have wanted the distribution. Everyone should consider whether or not they need a Will and then aim to review it at least every five years to check that it reflects any changes in their personal or financial circumstances.

‘Remember A Charity’ in your Will Week takes place from 12 to 18 September 2016. This year’s campaign encourages the public to consider what they will pass on to future generations. During ‘Remember A Charity’ in your Will Week, charities, government ministers and the Law Society are coming together to urge solicitors in England, Wales and Scotland to become campaign supporters, reminding clients about the opportunity of leaving a legacy donation and providing guidance on the various options for donating in this way.

‘Remember A Charity’ was launched in 2000 and is formed of over 140 of the UK’s favourite charities. They work with member charities and partners in the legal sector, government and private sector, to encourage more people to consider leaving a charitable gift in their Will, once they’ve looked after their family and friends. With the latest estimate indicating that charitable donations are worth almost £2.5 billion to UK charities, the legal profession is playing an increasingly important role in boosting vital funding to good causes. These gifts are helping to fund cancer research, new hospital equipment, life-saving vaccines, guide dogs and much more.

Clapham & Collinge has always been a big supporter of charities and has previously taken part in WillAid, as well as the Marie Curie Will Scheme that took place 1st May – 31st July this year. This October we are taking part in the scheme Norfolk Will Help. The scheme is a local Will scheme, supporting the following charities: Nelson’s Journey, Age UK Norwich, The Benjamin Foundation, Norfolk and Norwich Association for the Blind (NNAB) and the Big C.

We can draft one of our basic Wills, and instead of our fees you will be asked to make a suggested donation of £100.00 for a single Will, and £150.00 for a couple, which will be split equally between the five charities. We have a number of appointments available through the Norfolk Will Help scheme across our offices in Norwich, North Walsham, Sheringham and Brooke.

Statistics collected in 2015 show only 47% of adults in the UK have written a Will. Out of those who have made a Will, 52% have not reviewed it in the last three years. If you have had a change in circumstances since creating your most recent Will such as, marriage, children or divorce it may mean that your Will is invalid, or no longer reflects your wishes. ‘During national campaigns such as Remember A Charity and WillAid we see more clients coming to us to create a Will. The campaigns really benefit charities and remind people of the importance of having an up to date Will’ – Lin Whitehead, Head of Private Client.

For more information on the Norfolk Will Help scheme you can go to www.norfolkwillhelp.co.uk.

If you would like further information on any of the above, contact us today to discuss your individual requirements in further detail, we’d be delighted to help. Contact us on 01603 693500, email us using ‘Make an enquiry’ form appointments available at our Norwich, North Walsham, Sheringham and Brooke offices, or during offices hours use the ‘live chat’ facility.

Click here for more information on the services our Wills, Trust and Probate team offer.