This is now a reality for many who have successfully constructed their own homes following the introduction of the Self-Build and Custom House Building Act 2015 which requires Local Authorities to promote self-build in their areas. Benefits include savings on Stamp Duty, Community Infrastructure Levy associated with development and a property designed to your individual needs. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to take what might seem like a daunting project yourself, contractor led schemes are where the contractor secures the site and the associated planning and then builds the property to your specifications.
However, many are still not aware of the duties on Local Authorities and are not aware of how to move forward with a project of this kind. Since the introduction of the 2015 Act Local Authorities are required to keep a register of people interested in building their own homes and must then grant sufficient development permissions to meet the need in their area. This duty can sometimes override previous impediments to developing a site and is worth exploring even if you have previously been advised that your land could not be developed.
The first step for those wishing to build their own home or put together a contractor led scheme is to register your interest with the Council in the area you wish to develop. Most Council’s now have information on their websites to enable you to apply and by doing this you are demonstrating the demand needed to justify the grant of sufficient suitable permissions. This can bring you one step closer to securing a site and making your dream home a reality.
For advice on self-build and any related planning issues please contact Nikki Fonseka, Head of Planning by calling 01603 974860 or email
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