Clapham & Collinge’s Family Law Team support ‘Good Divorce Week 2020’

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Clapham & Collinge’s Family Law Team are supporting Resolution’s ‘Good Divorce Week 2020’, a national campaign that aims to promote practical and constructive ways for separating parents to put the needs of their children first. Organised by Resolution, a community of more than 6,500 family justice professionals, this year the campaign focuses around the benefits of early legal advice, as it prepares to re-launch its Code of Practice.

Resolution members believe the process of separating, sorting out finances and arranging childcare should be done in a way that minimises conflict and keeps the best interests of any children involved at the heart of proceedings. There is no silver bullet approach to divorce, as every family is different. However, by seeking early professional advice, couples have the benefit of considering a range of options and making a decision that is most suitable to them.

Neale Grearson, who is a Partner and Head of Family Law Department at Clapham & Collinge LLP, is a qualified Collaborative Lawyer and member of the Norfolk Good Divorce Group. This is made up of family lawyers from firms throughout the county who are committed to helping clients achieve a divorce or separation in a non-confrontational way, without going to court.

What is a “good divorce”?

The term “good divorce” is an interesting phrase and in some ways is contradictory. A natural pre-cursor to divorce is a relationship breakdown. Relationship breakdowns can be difficult for parties at a time when emotions are often running high. This can increase tensions especially when faced with a legal mechanism which is currently heavily reliant upon fault. The so called “blame game” can have a huge impact on the couples future relationship.

Change is a natural part of life but when it happens within the family unit it can be difficult to deal with. Not only can it be difficult for the couple themselves but it can affect children and also the wider family. Many children may not want their parents to separate, they may feel confused and uncertain about what the future holds or sometimes they may have mixed feelings if they know that their parents were not happy in the relationship.

The idea of a “good divorce” is to try and reduce conflict between the parties and the impact that this has on children and the wider family. The ultimate goal is for parties to come out the other side of the relationship breakdown amicably, with respect for each other, putting their children’s needs first and limiting the overall impact of the breakdown on their children and the wider family.

Clapham & Collinge’s family law advice is bespoke, confidential and totally designed around you, helping you come to the best conclusion for both you and your family. Neale, together with Associate Solicitor Caroline Eaton are members of Resolution and fully support and uphold Resolution’s Code of Practice in the work they do. Click here for more information on the family law services we offer.

If you would like to seek advice on any family law issues, please contact our dedicated Client Relations Team on 01603 693500 or email us using the ‘Make an enquiry’ form on our website.

*This article is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or other professional advice.